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اگر فرم ثبت نام برای شما نمایش داده نمی‌شود، اینجا را کلیک کنید.

اگر فرم بازیابی کلمه عبور برای شما نمایش داده نمی‌شود، اینجا را کلیک کنید.

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  1. #1
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jul 2014
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    مدیر کل سایت

    تغییر قوانین مطرح کردن سوالات و مشکلات - حتما مطالعه شود!

    با سلام خدمت تمامی کاربران عزیز

    تصمیم به تغییراتی در سیاست های انجمن گرفته شده و تاپیک های جامع سوالات و مشکلات هر گوشی بسته شده

    از این به بعد کاربران گرامی هر سوالی داشتند میتونند تاپیک جدید ایجاد نمایند.

    اما قبل از ایجاد تاپیک از منوی بالای انجمن سرچ رو حتما استفاده کنند شاید کسی قبل از اونها سوال رو مطرح کرده وبه پاسخ رسیده اگر به نتیجه نرسیدند موضوع جدید ایجاد کنند.

    اما چن مورد و قانون رو لازم به ذکرم که عبارتند از:

    ۱-عنوان تاپیک های ایجاد شده باید به شکل استاندارد وباشند یک نمونه ی عنوان استاندارد این هستش:

    مشکل نصب رام - در ال جی جی 2


    مشکل روت کردن - Lg G4

    یعنی به طوری که با خواندن عنوان محتوا رو بشه حدس زد. در ضمن از به کار بردن جملاتی مثل" توروخدا کمک کنید" یا"عجله دارم سریع سریع" خودداری کنید

    ۲-هر گوشی چند بخش داره که یکی از اونها بخش سوالات و مشکلات متداول هستش شما دوستان باید ابتدا گوشی خودتون رو پیدا کنید بعد در زیر مجموعه هاش در

    بخش سوالات و مشکلات متداول سوال خودتون رو مطرح کنید

    ۳-قبل از ایجاد تاپیک سرچ کنید

    ۴-در تاپیک دیگران سوالتون رو مطرح نکنید و تاپیک جدید داشته باشید

    ۵-تاپیک خودتون رو قبل از ۲۴ ساعت آپ نکنید

    اما از مزایای این روش:

    ۱-هر شخص تاپیک مجزای خودش رو داره و میتونه توش پیگیر مشکلش باشه

    ۲-بعد از مدتی یک منبع عظیمی از سوالات و مشکلات متداول داریم ک با سرچ به خیلی از جواب ها خواهیم رسید

    ۳-کاربرانی هم که در گوگل یا موتورهای جستجوی دیگر سوال شمارو سرچ میکنند با انجمن آشنا خواهند شد

    خب توضیح اضافی لازم نیست امید هست انشالله این سیاست جدید ال جی ایران طبق برنامه پیش بره و کاربران گرانقدر با رعایت قوانین ذکر شده مارو یاری کنند

    به امید پیشرفت روز افزون- تیم مدیریت ال جی ایران
    LG Lif's Good

    The New Idea

  2. #21
    تاریخ عضویت
    Aug 2020
    محل سکونت
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    order ddos

    مهمان عزیز شما حق دیدن لینک ها را ندارید برای استفاده از امکانات کامل انجمن عضو شوید


    A distributed recantation of checking (DDoS) storm is a malicious shot to deliver an online advice unavailable to users, predominantly sooner than the meanwhile interrupting or suspending the services of its hosting server. A

    مهمان عزیز شما حق دیدن لینک ها را ندارید برای استفاده از امکانات کامل انجمن عضو شوید


    is launched from numerous compromised devices, much distributed globally in what is referred to as a botnet. It is peculiar from other denial of servicing (DoS) attacks, in that it uses a singular Internet-connected charge (individual network coupling) to flood a target with malicious traffic. This nuance is the most important talk over with for the being of these two, somewhat distinctive, definitions. Broadly speaking, DoS and DDoS attacks can be divided into three types:Includes UDP floods, ICMP floods, and other spoofed-packet floods. The attack’s objective is to soak the bandwidth of the attacked neighbourhood, and magnitude is measured in bits per number two (Bps). Includes SYN floods, fragmented bomb attacks, Ping of Death, Smurf DDoS and more. This type of mug consumes actual server resources, or those of in-between communication equipment, such as firewalls and shipment balancers, and is measured in packets per lieutenant (Pps). Includes low-and-slow attacks, GET/POST floods, attacks that aim Apache, Windows or OpenBSD vulnerabilities and more. Comprised of feasibly legitimate and innocent requests, the ideal of these attacks is to bang the web server, and the significance is steady in Requests per sec (Rps). Mutual DDoS attacks types Some of the most commonly in use accustomed to DDoS revile types file: A UDP flood, past explication, is any DDoS approach that floods a goal with Operator Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets. The goal of the devour is to superfluity random ports on a remote host. This causes the presenter to again mark for the application listening at that port, and (when no relevance is organize) reply with an ICMP ‘Terminus Unreachable’ packet. This alter saps tummler resources, which can at long last supervise to inaccessibility. Similar in tenet to the UDP superfluity censure, an ICMP immerse overwhelms the butt resource with ICMP Echo Solicit (ping) packets, generally sending packets as loose as admissible without waiting quest of replies. This type of infect can gulp down both outgoing and entering bandwidth, since the fool’s servers bequeath commonly try to pity with ICMP Duplication Reply packets, resulting a significant all-inclusive combination slowdown. A SYN deluge DDoS vilification exploits a known feebleness in the TCP connection sequence (the “three-way handshake”), wherein a SYN entreat to set in motion a TCP linking with a host be compelled be answered not later than a SYN-ACK rejoinder from that host, and then confirmed past an ACK return from the requester. In a SYN flood scenario, the requester sends multiple SYN requests, but either does not react to the hotelier’s SYN-ACK rejoinder, or sends the SYN requests from a spoofed IP address. Either custom, the innkeeper practice continues to wait representing avowal as a service to each of the requests, binding resources until no trendy connections can be made, and ultimately resulting in disavowal of service. A ping of finish (“POD”) malign involves the attacker sending multiple malformed or malicious pings to a computer. The crowning pretty penny length of an IP fortune (including header) is 65,535 bytes. No matter what, the Data Relationship Layer usually poses limits to the maximum chassis size – looking for exempli gratia 1500 bytes outstanding an Ethernet network. In this case, a immense IP tidy sum is split across multiple IP packets (known as fragments), and the legatee crowd reassembles the IP fragments into the complete packet. In a Ping of Death framework, following malicious manipulation of shred substance, the recipient ends up with an IP packet which is larger than 65,535 bytes when reassembled. This can overflow reminiscence buffers allocated for the pretty penny, causing refusal of serving for acceptable packets. Slowloris is a highly-targeted berate, enabling single snare server to obtain down another server, without affecting other services or ports on the butt network. Slowloris does this on holding as many connections to the target cobweb server unprotected an eye to as long as possible. It accomplishes this by creating connections to the aim server, but sending only a inclined request. Slowloris constantly sends more HTTP headers, but never completes a request. The targeted server keeps each of these simulated connections open. This finally overflows the crowning concurrent connection pool, and leads to renunciation of additional connections from legitimate clients. In NTP amplification attacks, the perpetrator exploits publically-accessible Network Time Minute (NTP) servers to overwhelm a targeted server with UDP traffic. The attack is defined as an amplification sortie because the query-to-response ratio in such scenarios is anywhere between 1:20 and 1:200 or more. This means that any attacker that obtains a shopping list of outstretched NTP servers (e.g., by a using contraption like Metasploit or data from the Unclog NTP Describe) can by far generate a sarcastic high-bandwidth, high-volume DDoS attack. In an HTTP rush DDoS attack, the attacker exploits seemingly-legitimate HTTP AND GET or TRANSMIT requests to attack a net server or application. HTTP floods do not use malformed packets, spoofing or testimony techniques, and insist less bandwidth than other attacks to bring down the targeted spot or server. The attack is most noticeable when it forces the server or attention to allocate the maximum resources possible in feedback to every apart request. The outlining encompasses all unknown or latest attacks, exploiting vulnerabilities into which no bailiwick has notwithstanding been released. The style is notable amongst the members of the hacker community, where the workout of trading zero-day vulnerabilities has ripen into a in demand activity. DDoS attacks are quickly fashionable the most dominant class of cyber foreboding, growing double-quick in the biography year in both party and bulk according to recent sell research. The veer is for shorter revile duration, but bigger packet-per-second revile volume.
  3. #22
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jul 2022
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    6 тысяч вон в рублях

    центр займов уфа

    مهمان عزیز شما حق دیدن لینک ها را ندارید برای استفاده از امکانات کامل انجمن عضو شوید


  4. #23
    تاریخ عضویت
    Aug 2022
    محل سکونت
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    HQ Porn

    HQ Porner Source:

    مهمان عزیز شما حق دیدن لینک ها را ندارید برای استفاده از امکانات کامل انجمن عضو شوید


  5. #24
    تاریخ عضویت
    Aug 2022
    محل سکونت
    The Bahamas
    نوشته ها

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    مهمان عزیز شما حق دیدن لینک ها را ندارید برای استفاده از امکانات کامل انجمن عضو شوید


  6. #25
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2024
    محل سکونت
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    Bloomberg News Today

    Bloomberg delivers business and markets news, data, analysis, and video to the world, featuring stories from Businessweek and Bloomberg News Today.

    مهمان عزیز شما حق دیدن لینک ها را ندارید برای استفاده از امکانات کامل انجمن عضو شوید


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