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نمایش نتایج: از 11 به 20 از 27
  1. #1
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jul 2014
    نوشته ها
    مدیر کل سایت

    Dorimanx | نسخه ی 6.0 | اندروید 5.0.2 | LG G2 | تمامی مدل ها

    کرنل Dorimax یکی از محبوب ترین کرنل های جی 2 میباشد که در ای ن تاپیک قصد معرفی کامل اون رو داریم

    ویژگی هایی که ساپورت میشن توسط این کرنل >>>

    • Default I/O Scheduling: ZEN.
    • More I/O Scheduling present in kernel: ROW, FIOPS DEADLINE, NOOP, CFQ, SIO, BFQ.
    • Default CPU frequency: 300Mhz-2.26GHz (MAX OC up to 2.8Ghz speed!).
    • You can set MIN/MAX CPU Freq in Dorimanx App.
    • You can set MAX freq for screen OFF state!
    • Default CPU governor: Ondemand.
    • More CPU Govs present, conservative, performance, Intelidemand, Intellimm, Interactive, OndemandPlus, Nightmare, Hyper, Pegasusq, IntelliActive, Alucard, Darkness, Impulse, YankActive.
    • Support for Kernel HOTPLUG (Intelli HotPlug by @faux123)
    • Support for Kernel HOTPLUG (Alucard HotPlug by @alucard_24)
    • Support for Kernel HOTPLUG (MSM HotPlug by @myfluxi)
    • Support Inteli CPU Temp control (by @faux123)
    • Support for Touch BOOST CPU'S code (by @alucard_24)
    • Support for Async CPU, every core can have it's own min/max + cpu governor! (by @alucard_24)
    • Support 4 GPU Govs! + Tuning in Dorimanx App. (by @myfluxi)
    • Support limit OC to 2.5Ghz / 2.7Ghz / 2.8Ghz (by @faux123)
    • Support undervolt/overvolting via sysfs interface/apps interface (by @faux123).
    • Debugging is OFF by Default to save CPU cycles, and extend battery life.
    • Internal kernel function fixes (ie, memory leaks, scheduler fixes).
    • High performance, low latency kernel.
    • Compiled with -O2 flags and hardware neon-vfpv4 FPU enabled.
    • Built from official LG 30B kernel source.
    • File systems support: Ext2/3/4, FAT32, CIFS, USB OTG.
    • Support F2FS filesystem!
    • EXFAT, NTFS supported but need USB OTG APP! it's not native!
    • Sound Driver Control or via Dorimanx APP or via Faux Sound App.
    • Allowed forced fast charge! hack.
    • Sweep2Sleep! allow sweeping from right to left and backwards! on soft buttons to turn off the screen.
    • Kernel created using GCC 4.9.3 LINARO compiled by me, powerful ToolChain + all needed mods for it.
    • Running Scripts from /system/etc/init.d/ is SUPPORTED but OFF in Dorimanx App! if you need it, enable.
    • Dorimanx Kernel Control App will be installed with kernel.
    • Synapse Kernel Control/Status App will be installed with kernel.
    • Added UltraSound high performance audio hardware support.
    • Added support for MultiROM kexec-hardboot! (by patrik.KT ) (disabled! cant be used for now.)
    • Added support for relaxed CPU idle functions to save power.
    • Added GPU OC/UC to Max 650Mhz Min 100Mhz (by @

      مهمان عزیز شما حق دیدن لینک ها را ندارید برای استفاده از امکانات کامل انجمن عضو شوید


    • Added support for KK BootLoader! "BUMPED" kernel (by @Cybojenix && @Thecubed)
    • Advanced Color interface + App (color control) (by @savoca)
    • Support using phone as keyboard and mouse for PC over USB! (by @pelya) need APP USB Keyboard! also to enable USB keyboard in Dorimanx App.
    • Auto F2FS Mount on boot for /system /data /cache if formatted as F2FS you need Blastogator TWRP Recovery for thi

    باگ ها >>>

    اگر موردی بود گذارش کنید

    پیش نیاز ها >>>

    1- باید گوشی شما روت باشه

    2- باید ریکاوری نصب داشته باشید

    فایل مربوط به گوشیتون رو دانلود کنید و به گوشی منتقل کنید و از ریکاوری نصب کنید

    Kernel Dorimanx LG G2 مخصوص اندروید 5.0.2

    مهمان عزیز شما حق دیدن لینک ها را ندارید برای استفاده از امکانات کامل انجمن عضو شوید


    Kernel Dorimanx LG G2 مخصوص اندروید 5.0.2

    مهمان عزیز شما حق دیدن لینک ها را ندارید برای استفاده از امکانات کامل انجمن عضو شوید


    نسخه پایدار STABLE مخصوص اندروید 5.0.2

    مهمان عزیز شما حق دیدن لینک ها را ندارید برای استفاده از امکانات کامل انجمن عضو شوید


    لیست تغییرات این نسخه

    Kernel 9.0 BETA!

    *Merged updates to NET code.
    *Merged updates to Alucard HotPlug by DEV.
    *Merged updates to Alucard,Nightmare CPU govs by DEV.
    *Merged updates to sound,usb,hid from patch 3.10.96
    *Merged updates to LIB drivers, many changes that change the way code is made and operate.
    *Merged updates to Crypto drivers, many new crypto features and performance boost.
    *Merged updates to random32,radix-tree and genalloc.
    *Merged updates to LZ4 compression driver.
    *Merged updates to QSEECOM,Android-Alarm and camera VIDC.
    *Merged many changes to ARM LIB code. this boost performance and correct memory distribution.
    *Merged fix for Selinux driver.
    *Updated GCC 5.3 toolchain with latest binutils and other libs, and used to compile kernel.
    *Enabled encryptfs and set all needed to allow DATA encryption when using EXT4! will not work for F2FS!!!
    *Merged updates to SCHED CORE,FAIR and NOOP I/O Sched.
    *Merged fix for serial tty used for BT connections.
    *Merged fixes for ratelimit and llist code. some are critical!
    *Added new tuning in Dorimanx App for HotPlug sample rate.
    it's best to sync with CPU gov sample rate! but if you feel performance drop,
    feel free to set it to 10 samples. this was the default.
    *Disabled UKSM by default, this driver is helping to save 25MB or little more, but drain power.
    so it's should be used only if you think you need that 25mb for one small app in ram.
    *Added FSTRIM crontab option, disabled by default. will run FSTRIM on system/data/cache at 22:00 every day.
    *Fixed CRON service OFF/ON and other scripts belong to CRON, there was some mess now all good.
    *Updated BUSYBOX with latest changes from busybox source!
    *Fixed AD UPDATE script that run every SAT, now it's will work as should. it's was missing connection and fail.
    Now it's will try to connect to internet longer...
    *Changed OOM profile to STOCK, it's work good for me for 2 weeks now. and i have free RAM for my needs.
    *Updated DEBUG script to include also live dmesg log that written to /data/logging/ all the time by ROM.
    So i will have more bigger picture what happened before device crashed.
    *Profiles will be RESET on first boot!!!

    Kernel 8.9 STABLE!

    *Merged critical fixes for ZMALLOC for ZRAM.
    *Fixed Process Reclaim code, now releasing RAM as should.
    *Merged fix for FUSE driver.
    *Added new sysfs for checking ram pressure for LMK and Process Reclaim
    And added them to SYNAPSE status page. now you can see your RAM pressure
    *Added new CRON task to clear RAM cache from apps only! every 2 hours.
    This will help to get smooth and stable device for longer time.
    The option will not kill any apps from RAM, it's just strip cached RAM
    by them. so other apps that running for you right now, will run faster.
    *Fixed CRON timezone script, and fixed few small bugs in scripts.
    *Merged updates to ramdisk and init from D802H stock kernel for D802 build only.

    ویرایش توسط حسام : 02-08-2016 در ساعت 07:15 PM دلیل: آپدیت به نسخه جدید
    LG Lif's Good

    The New Idea

نمایش نتایج: از 11 به 20 از 27

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